Um okkum


A ‘direct link to fishermen’ for seafood purchasers, Fofish welcome more fishing vessels to their list of contracted sourcing partners while hooking up with foreign business partners to secure quality supplies from the Faroes.
With a growing network of sourcing partners, FoFish is moving to set up new partnerships in Europe to complement existing ones, address-
ing their clients’ need—and highlighting its own ability—to secure quality supplies of anything from a wide variety of fresh whole fish to a range of fresh or frozen, value added seafood products from the Faroes and elsewhere in the high North. 


Fofish er ein fiskasøla, ið hevur avtalur við skip, bátar og virkir um at selja teirra fisk og fiskavørur. Vit hava dagliga samband við fiskakeyparar og seljarar í Føroyum og uttanlanda, har vit samskifta um prísir og útboð.

Øll skip, bátar og virkir eru vælkomin at ringja til okkara at spyrja um prísir o.a. Vit bjóða og vegleiða fegin, hvar tað loysir seg best at selja fiskin.


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